In this recording from a Zoom info session on March 5, 2024, Environmental Education (EE) teachers Matt Kohn, Casey Kohn, and Ali Brown dive into the world of environmental education at Logan! While EE trips are a great excuse for our students to explore the natural world, discover new interests, and spend quality time with their classmates in the outdoors, they're so much more than that! Watch the recording to learn more about how these educators take the classroom outside to teach Logan students about topics like biomes, weather, biology, conservation, sustainability, watersheds, trophic levels, and predators (just to name a few).
During this session, the EE teachers share the essential elements of the program, overviews of what EE looks like at each level, and how EE, especially overnight trips, strengthens our communities both within the classroom and school-wide.
If you've ever wanted to know more about the value of environmental education, how our program is designed, or have any questions about what your students are doing when they go on an EE trip, this information is for you!
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to the EE team.